Local Area Codes
Just a quick article today with a tip that may not be applicable to all of you out there, but might prove useful to some.
I myself live in LA right now, but as many people here I am a transplant from a different location. My mobile number starts with 347, and let me just put it this way: if I had a dollar for every time somebody assumed that I still lived in NYC... I'd have at least $10.
If you're don't have an area code that's local to where you work, people might assume you're not actually around.
Luckily, there's an easy fix. You can get an area code that is local to where you are and not only won't it cost you a penny, but also, the whole process takes 2 minutes:
Go to the Google Voice website, if you don't have an account with google, you'll be prompted to create one, but if you already have one you'll see this prompt instead:

Simply enter your phone number like I did above and click "Continue"
You'll see this message on the screen:

Click "Call me now" and when you receive a phone call from Google, simply enter the two numbers, wait a second and hang up.
Type in your city name, zip code or area code in the text field and click "Search numbers"

Pick the number of your choice and click "Continue"

It's really that simple and now when you tell people your number, not only will they not be confused when they hear the first 3 digits, but also no assumptions will be made when they see the number on your website or in an email signature.
Another plus is that this tool can be used to screen your calls, transcribe your messages to text and email them to you and more.
Thanks Google!